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Archive: ACS 2015

12 July 2016

29th Annual Chemometrics Symposium

“How to handle missing and censored data”

Thursday 15th October 2015, Wageningen, The Netherlands



Most recipes for data analysis assume that data are complete and have been measured accurately. In real life this often is not the case. Data can be missing, which means that they have not been measured at all. Or they may be censored, which means that they are known to be less (or sometimes larger) than a given threshold. Both cases need special treatment.
The Dutch Chemometrics Society invites you to their Annual Chemometrics Symposium 2015 that will focus on handling missing and censored data.  We are proud to present a program with excellent speakers, who will discuss theory and practical applications.

Speakers with their presentation  titles:

•    Stef van Buuren
     “Multiple imputation of incomplete multivariate data: a bird’s eye view”
•    Hae-Won Uh
     “Dealing with data below the detection limit: a statistical view on uncertainty”.
•    Jeroen Elassaiss-Schaap
     “Mixing censoring into population PK and PK-PD nonlinear mixed effects”
•    Gerjen Tinnevelt
     “A PLS-based approach to combine multiple flow cytometry tubes”.
•    Martin Lopatka
     “Novel data imputation to emulate complex mixing condition seen in fire debris samples”.
•    Jos Hageman
     “Batch correction for LCMS in the presence of non-detects”.


The meeting will take place in meeting room C103, Forum, building number 102, Droevendaalsesteeg 2, 6708 PB Wageningen, The Netherlands. See Forum-building-number-102 for a description and how to get there.


Registration and coffee between 9:15 and 9:55, opening symposium at 9:55.


The registration fee is 100 euros (50 for students and PhD students). Everything is included: participation in the meetings, lunch, refreshments and drinks at the end of the day. It is not possible to register for a half-day at a reduced price.


The official language of the symposium will be English.


Participants are invited to share their work during the poster session that will take place during the lunch break. A poster prize (100€) will be awarded to the best poster. If you want to submit a poster, send an e-mail before 1st October with title and abstract to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and bring the poster (A0 format) to the registration desk on the day of the symposium.

How to register

Reply to this e-mail with your name, address and affiliation or send this information to the Dutch Chemometrics Society e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Payment should preferably be made in advance by bank transfer (IBAN: NL 02 INGB 0004 8518 27, STICHTING DUTCH CHEMOMETRICS SOCIETY) or in cash upon arrival.

On behalf of the organizing committee we are looking forward to meet you in Wageningen,

Paul Eilers, Erasmus MC Rotterdam.
Gerben Mooiweer, JDEcoffee/R&D, Utrecht.
Bülent Üstün, Aspen Oss BV, Oss.
Jeroen Jansen, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Nijmegen.
Jos Hageman, Wageningen University, Wageningen.
Theo Reijmers, Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, Amsterdam.

DCS Events

18 June 2016

Archive 2017:


7th International Chemometrics Research Meeting


September 10th - 14th 2017

Fletcher Parkhotel Val Monte

Berg en Dal, The Netherlands


The International Chemometrics Research Meeting is organized every three years (by the Dutch Chemometrics Society). It is dedicated to in-depth discussion of recent chemometric and statistical developments that are relevant to analytical chemistry and is applications. The format of the meeting is inspired by the Gordon conferences:  two sessions per day (one in the morning and one in the evening), with an invited speaker, a discussant and lots of room for the floor discussion.

Participants can bring posters and there is room for a small number of contributed talks.

New this time are 4 short tutorials, on ASCA, PCA/PLS, penalties and on MCR. The tutorials take place in the afternoons. They do not overlap and attendance is free for conferences participants.

A social program and conference dinner is also part of ICRM2017.

The following invited speakers will give a keynote lecture:

  • Peter Wentzell (Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada).
  • Lieven De Lathauwer (KU Leuven, Belgium).
  • Peter Filzmoser (TU Wien, Austria)
  • Morten Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • Marieke Timmerman (RU Groningen, The Netherlands)
  • Onno de Noord (Shell Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
  • TBA

This is a first announcement. More information about registration and the conference fee will follow soon.




Archive: ACS 2016

18 June 2016

30th Annual Chemometrics Symposium

“Chemometrics in Action”

Thursday 13th October 2016, Ravenstein, The Netherlands


The Dutch Chemometrics Society cordially invites you to its Annual Chemometrics Symposium. This year the theme is “Chemometrics in Action” with a focus on practical applications. Six speakers will cover a variety of subjects. During the lunch a microNIR spectrophotometer will be demonstrated.

As usual, this symposium will be an excellent opportunity to meet old and new colleagues, to learn new things and to discuss them in an informal and friendly atmosphere.

Speakers with their presentation  titles

•    Rudolf Kessler
      “Perspectives in Process Analysis: Remarks on Robustness of Spectroscopic Methods
        for Industrial Applications
•    Jan Gerretzen
      “A novel and effective way for preprocessing selection based on Design of Experiments”.
•    Andrei Barcaru
      “Thinking Bayes: creating new ways of interpreting GCxGC(-MS) data”.
•    Cyril Ruckebusch
      “Chemometric analysis of chemical images”.
•    Olga Lushchikova
      “Development of alarm system for water quality control based on flow cytometry data
        of algal  populations”.
•    Ewoud van Velzen
      "Robustness: A key parameter in the validation of multivariate sensory regression

Abstracts of the presentations can be found here.

The booklet with the program of the symposium day can be viewed and downloaded too. Please be aware that you receive a printed copy of this program booklet when you attend the symposium. Please click on Program booklet ACS2016.pdf


The meeting will take place in Vergader- en Conferentiecentrum Soeterbeeck, Elleboogstraat 2, 5371 LL Ravenstein See for a description and how to get there.


Registration and coffee between 9:15 and 10:00, opening symposium at 10:10.


The registration fee is 100 euros (50 for students and PhD students). Everything is included: participation in the meetings, lunch, refreshments and drinks at the end of the day. It is not possible to register for a half-day at a reduced price.


The official language of the symposium will be English.


Participants are invited to share their work during the poster session that will take place during the lunch break. A poster prize (100€) will be awarded to the best poster. If you want to submit a poster, send an e-mail before 1st October with title and abstract to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and bring the poster (A0 format) to the registration desk on the day of the symposium.


During the lunch break a demonstration will be given of the microNIR.

How to register

Reply to this e-mail with your name, address and affiliation or send this information to the Dutch Chemometrics Society e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Payment should preferably be made in advance by bank transfer (IBAN: NL 02 INGB 0004 8518 27, STICHTING DUTCH CHEMOMETRICS SOCIETY) or in cash upon arrival.


Use this link to download the flyer of this symposium: Flyer_DCS_ACS2016.pdf






On behalf of the organizing committee we are looking forward meeting you in Ravenstein,

Paul Eilers, Erasmus MC Rotterdam.
Gerben Mooiweer, JDEcoffee/R&D, Utrecht.
Bülent Üstün, Aspen Oss BV, Oss.
Jeroen Jansen, Radboud University Nijmegen.
Jos Hageman, Biometris, Wageningen University.
Theo Reijmers,  Kinesis Pharma, Breda.

About DCS

11 April 2016

The history of the Dutch Chemometrics Society starts in 1972, with the merger of the discussion groups "Automation" and "Computerization" into the "Laboratory Optimization" group of the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society. This discussion group, which was driven by first generation chemometricians like A. Dijkstra, G. Kateman and H.C. Smit, was later re-named into the "Working Party on Chemometrics", which also functions as the Dutch Chapter of the International Chemometrics Society. Two important initiatives taken by this group were the organization of a series of short courses on chemometrics for industry and the start of a series of international conferences on chemometrics in analytical chemistry (CAC). CAC I (1978), II (1982) and IV (1988) were held in The Netherlands.

Present activities of the Dutch Chemometrics Society include an annual symposium on chemometrics, workshops on more focused topics, as well as contributions to activities of (other working parties of) the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society. The symposium follows a "classical" format, whereas the workshops present a forum for advanced, in depth discussion in a very informal setting. With the dissemination of chemometrics into industry and institutes the need for such workshops grew rapidly, since chemometricians rarely find discussion partners in their immediate working environment. In 1989 three such workshops, one on Multivariate Data Analysis (MVA workshop), one on Experimental Design and Optimization, and one on Quality Assurance started with a meeting frequency of three times per year. The latter two workshops dried out of new topics, but the Multivariate Data Analysis Workshop is still going strong. In 2005, a new discussion group was started with a focus on the analysis of proteomics and metabolomics data (Bio-MVA workshop).

The second generation chemometricians also started a new conference series: the International Chemometrics Research Meeting (ICRM), which was held in The Netherlands in 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2011, 2014 and 2017. ICRM has a format which makes it complementary to other conference series in this field. Key elements are: extended exchange of ideas in an informal atmosphere, limited number of lectures on a few selected topics, scheduled plenary discussion sessions, plenty of time for informal discussion, and continuous poster display.

Participants to the Dutch Chemometrics Society activities come from universities (40%), industry (40%) and institutes (20%).


Archive: ICRM 2017

11 April 2016


7th International Chemometrics Research Meeting

September 10th - 14th 2017

Fletcher Parkhotel Val Monte

Berg en Dal, The Netherlands


The International Chemometrics Research Meeting is organized every three years (by the Dutch Chemometrics Society). It is dedicated to in-depth discussion of recent chemometric and statistical developments that are relevant to analytical chemistry and its applications. The format of the meeting is inspired by the Gordon conferences:  two sessions per day (one in the morning and one in the evening), with an invited speaker, a discussant and lots of room for the floor discussion.

Participants can bring posters and there is room for a small number of contributed talks.

New this time are 4 short tutorials, on ASCA, PCA/PLS, penalties and on MCR. The tutorials take place in the afternoons. They do not overlap and attendance is free for conference participants.

A social program and conference dinner are also part of ICRM2017.

The following invited speakers gave a keynote lecture (click to see the abstract):